

With Biesta, G. J. J., Goodson, I. F., Tedder, M. and Adair, N. (Eds.). Learning from life: The role of narrative, Learning Lives summative working paper. University of Stirling: The Learning Lives project, 2008.

With Müller, J., Hernández, F., Sancho, J., Creus, A., Muntadas, M., Larrain, V., & Giro, X.European schoolteachers’ work and life under restructuring: Professional experiences, knowledge and expertise it changing context, for the ProfKnow Consortium, 2006.

With C. Norrie (Eds.) A literature review of welfare state restructuring in education and health care in European contexts: Implications for the teaching and nursing professions and their professional knowledge, for the ProfKnow Consortium, 2005.

With Nilda Grimaldi, La Crisis del Cambio Curricular, University of Cordoba, Argentina, 1999.

With M. Mangan (ed), Qualitative Studies in Educational Research: Methodologies in Transition, RUCCUS Occasional Papers Volume 1, University of Western Ontario, 1991, pp. 334.

With M. Mangan (ed), Computers, Classrooms, and Culture: Studies in the Use of Computers for Classroom Learning, RUCCUS Occasional Papers Volume 2, University of Western Ontario, 1991, pp. 315.

With M. Mangan (ed), History, Context, and Qualitative Methods in the Study of Education, RUCCUS Occasional Papers Volume 3, University of Western Ontario, 1992, pp. 279.

Sredyn’s Curriculum. Occasional Paper, No. 44, Faculty of Education, University of Alberta, 1989.

With H. Oonk and C. Scurati, Curriculum Models on European Education, CEVNO Alkmaar, Netherlands, 1984.

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